
This Agreement was last modified on February 18, 2016.

Zazuhome has handled the content as carefully as possible when compiling this website. However, Zazuhome cannot guarantee the completeness and correctness of the information provided, nor any consequences of acting on the basis of information available through this website.

We strive to keep the site as simple and user-friendly as possible. That is why we offer the information on this site as complete, correct, current and accessible as possible. The site is therefore constantly under development.

Do you have suggestions, questions or comments about the content of the website? Then send us a message. We would also like to hear from you if you believe that the site contains errors, is not complete or can be improved.

This website is created under the responsibility of the management of Zazuhome.

The copyright on the website is expressly reserved by Zazuhome.

Third parties may copy parts of the content of this website provided they cite the source.